Hope Orphanage

Hope Orphanage - Donald Joseph

Central Plains, Haiti
Donald Joseph’s dream and vision is that the widows and orphans in his area would be cared for, both physically and spiritually.  He has been impacted by the verse in James 1:27 that states “pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to the let the world corrupt you.” He and his wife, Lacnise, now operate Center Hope Orphanage in the central plains of Haiti.  Between the two of them and a small staff, they care for over 50 orphans and 40 widows!  They understand the need is great but that God is greater.  They are committed to using any funds that God provides to give food, clothing, shelter, and education to those in their care.


How can you help?

Prayer Requests:

  • Pray that the physical needs would be met so that the faith of those they care for could continue to grow.
  • Pray that those involved in the ministry would not grow weary and lose heart.

Donations for:

  • Food - costs are rising in Haiti
  • Educational needs
  • Buildings - They are in desperate need of a new boys' and girls' dorm.  They currently have land to build on but need funds to support the construction.